XVII Annual Meeting of the MSRM – Abstracts


• Andrology (incl. male (in)fertility, spermatogenesis, diagnostic tests, treatment, MESA, TESA, TESE, lifestyle and environmental factors related to male fertility, immunology, sperm selection and processing, intrauterine insemination, infectious and male infertility)

• Embryology (incl. IVF/ICSI, oocyte and embryo selection, culture, cryopreservation, developmental biology, quality control)

• Endometriosis, endometrium and fallopian tube, and benign disorders of the endometrium and fallopian tube

• Implantation and early pregnancy (incl. miscarriage, recurrent miscarriages, termination of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy of unknown location, gestational trophoblastic disease)

• Male and female fertility preservation (incl. medical indications, elective gamete freezing, laboratory techniques)

• Reproductive (epi)genetics (incl. (epi)genetic causes of infertility, PGD, PGS, prenatal diagnosis)

• Reproductive endocrinology (incl. ovarian reserve testing, ovarian stimulation, IVM, POI, PCOS, )

• Reproductive surgery (female and male)

• Safety and quality of ART therapies (incl. guidelines, accreditation, EUTCD, certification,)

• Imaging in ART

• Stem cells (inc. pluripotent stem cells (ESC-iPSC), somatic nuclear transfer, use of stem cells in reproduction, mesenchymal stem cells, artificial gametes, spermatogonial stem cells, oogonia, organoids, differentiation, pluripotency, regenerative medicine, CRISPR/CAS)



Abstracts should be submitted in English only.

Abbreviations can be used after defining them first.

The use of graphs, tables and images is strongly discouraged.

Abstract title. Do not use capital letters and do not indent. The title should reflect the content.

List the authors. The name of the first author listed will be the presenting author. Do not include professional titles or degrees.

Prepare a minimum of at least two, maximum five keywords. Authors are urged to carefully consider the list of topics, before indicating the single most appropriate topic for their abstract.

Format the abstract into five (5) sections. Each section must be preceded by a section heading. Body text of the abstract are limited to a total of 2700 characters (spaces are not counted in character total)

a. Objective: An introductory sentence indicating the objective and purpose of the study.

b. Materials and Methods: A description of methodology including applicable statistical evaluation.

c. Results: A summary of the new, previously unpublished data and findings.

d. Conclusions: A statement that will drive home the broader implications of the study results.

e. Impact Statement: A statement defining the study’s impact, significance, or relevance to the field.

Review and selection of abstracts

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Congress Committee and selected for inclusion in the program on the basis of scientific content and significance to the field of reproductive medicine. Reviewers will consider the following criteria in their evaluations:

Score Criteria
1. Objective (research question/aim)
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusion
5. Significance/Impact

Poster or Oral Presentation Expectations

Abstracts will be considered for oral presentation unless the author designates “Poster Only” in the box provided. Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation.
Oral presentations will be 10 minutes in length followed by five minutes of discussion.
The Dead line for abstract submission will be on 01.06.2022

Review and selection of abstracts

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Congress Committee and selected for inclusion in the program on the basis of scientific content and significance to the field of reproductive medicine. Reviewers will consider the following criteria in their evaluations:

Score Criteria
1. Objective (research question/aim)
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Conclusion
5. Significance/Impact


Best oral presentation: free registration for next MSRM meeting – Kairo
2023, plus 2 nights’ accommodation
Best poster : free registration for next MSRM congress – Kairo 2023.